Do you know BRI Bank?

When you traveling to Indonesia you will find many bank that name Bank Rakyat Indonesia(BRI).
Bank Rakyat Indonesia(BRI) is the oldest Bank that ever established in Indonesia. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) was established on December 16, 1895 in Purwokerto, Central Java by a native named Raden Aria Wirjaatmadja, with name-en Hulp der Inlandsche Spaarbank Bestuurs Ambtenaren.
With the development of the banking world is increasingly fast then until today the Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit which has amounted to 4447 units. This is one of the largest in Indonesia. Bank Rakyat Indonesia is identical to the rural communities that are very familiar with the Indonesian community in general.

For it is not surprising if the BRI Sign 50 Great Companies in Forbes Asia.
Lends to small business, including "the woman in the market selling vegetables, farmers raising chickens and growing rice, traders taking the rice to market, weavers, fishermen and cooks." The government owns 57%, but Bank Rakyat, which means "People's Bank," claims to have been profitable for 20 years, even during the Asian financial crisis. 570 branches across Indonesia's mostly rural archipelago collect savings from 33 million mostly lower-income customers. Does good and does well; return on capital has averaged 22% over the last 5 years.
Bank BRI now become the biggest Bank and stable the economic in Indonesia.
by ramadhani.