Monday, August 1, 2011

Sriwijaya Air gets award

Treading 6th year since the first fly of Malang on May 5, 2005, Sriwijaya Air has established itself as an airline that has a major contribution to the District Government of Malang, East Java. Even for his services, Sriwijaya Air, on March 9, 2011 to obtain a high award from the Government of Malang as airline pioneer and driving the economy in the district. Awards received directly by the President Director of PT Sriwijaya Air, Chandra Lie at Hotel Santika Malang.

Agus Soedjono, Senior Corporate Communications Manager of PT Sriwijaya Air to on Friday (11/03/2011), said the award was given to Sriwijaya Air because it is considered as an airline that pioneered the early growth of the economy of Malang Regency.

As a mode of air transportation, continued Agus, Sriwijaya Air is considered to have a strategic position in supplying the needs of passenger transport and goods quickly and accurately. "In addition, if at that time, the movement of people and goods is only passed to and from the city of Surabaya, then with the inclusion of Sriwijaya Air to Malang, become shorter," he said.

Sriwijaya Air influx of economic growth makes the life of Malang Regency. Evidently, the demands of service users is also increasing. Answering all of that, Sriwijaya Air flight was then increase the frequency to twice a day. In fact, in recent months, Sriwijaya Air provides flight frequency Malang-Jakarta PP to three times a day.

Difficult inevitable, growing economy and tourism sector life of Malang Regency, eventually becoming the attraction also for other airlines to contribute.

Agus explained, the presence of competitors does not shake Sriwijaya Air. Nowadays, with the frequency of flights 3 times a day, Sriwijaya Air holds a 60 percent market share. At the end of 2010, Sriwijaya Air is able to record passenger growth by 23 percent with the total number of passengers transported during the year 2010 as many as 99,854 people.

Looking ahead, adds Agus, Sriwijaya Air flight plan, not just from Jakarta to Malang, but other studies will be conducted for purposes other than Jakarta area, such as Denpasar, Mataram, and Yogyakarta.
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