Friday, July 16, 2010

Pantai Ngliyep in South Malang

Ngliyep is name one of the famous beach in south malang. Pantai Ngliyep located at Kedungsalam village, Donomulyo district, about 62 km a way to the south from Malang City. Ngliyep Beach has beautiful sceenery with combination green forest and natural sea of hindian ocean. Panati Ngliyep has beautiful rocky beach panorama, where gigantic waves meet coral reef this is dangerous wave. In addition, it has an island with a lush green tropical shore-forest giving more enchantment to the beach. Pantai Ngliyep is provided with some facilities like in Pantai Balekambang such as: stalls, souvenir shop, inns, etc.

You can see Annually the traditional ceremony Upacara Labuhan Mulud (offering ceremony) in this beach. Upacara Labuhan Mulud is the traditional ceremony that always held in the beach at Malang regency by the around society.

If you interest to Visit the Ngliyep beach, you can enjoy its wonderful waves. The Tourist can swimming, sun bathing, or fishing here. But you must be careful because the wave sometime get victim and maybe dangerous for surfing and swimming. The South ocean is famous with great wave in Jawa Island.

by ramadhani
my journey to Pantai Ngliyep Malang
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  1. bagus nduk. aku eleng yen tahu nang ngliyep kurang lebih tahun 1975an numpak sepeda soko malang. asiiik buanget. suwun

  2. Wuapiiik.nda kalah sama pantai lain. akhir januari tahun depan kami ke sana..
