Showing posts with label jawa timur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jawa timur. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Pantai Teluk Love Beach, located on Pantai Payangan Beach, is one of the romantic tourist destinations in Jember, East Java. The natural panorama here is also very enchanting with the unique heart-shaped beach. The uniqueness and beauty of that makes this destination as one of the icons of tourism in Jember.

The beauty of Love Bay is best enjoyed from Suroyo Hill on the east side of Payangan Beach. The name Suroyo comes from the word Suryo or Surya which means the sun because the beauty of the sunrise and sunset can be enjoyed here.

Therefore, visiting at dawn is the right time. The uniqueness and beauty of the Bay of Love will be combined with the beauty of the rising sun which slowly emerges from the hills of Meru Betiri National Park. Afternoon is also the right time to visit. Payangan Beach on the west side of Suroyo Hill that offers exotic evening views. If visiting during the day, it will feel hot.

To enjoy the Beauty of the Bay of Love, you need to struggle because you have to climb the hill. Although not too high, but there is still an uphill path that must be passed. Although you have to climb a hill, the panorama along the road is very beautiful. The path is made around the hill so that the panorama in all directions will be presented beautifully.

Traveling on Love Bay is done when the weather is sunny. There is no concern about getting rained on when the weather is sunny so enjoying the Bay of Love will be more comfortable. When the weather is sunny, you will be able to take pictures perfectly. One of them is sea water that is able to reflect the blue sky so it looks more attractive.

Throw garbage in its place. Garbage must be disposed of in its place. The manager has provided garbage bags at several points around the beach.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Taman Wisata Waduk Bendungan Lahor Karang Kates

Wisata Waduk Bendungan Lahor

Taman Wisata Waduk Bendungan Lahor terletak berdekatan dengan Taman Wisata Waduk Karangkates yang hanya sekitar 500 meter dari sebelah utara. Taman Wisata yang memiliki luas sekitar 5 hektare dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas dan wahana bermain seperti arena outbond, speed boat, gazebo, taman bermain anak, warung makanan dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya.

Spillway Bendungan Lahor

Waduk Bendungan Lahor diresmikan oleh Presiden Soeharto pada tahun 1977. Bendungan Lahor merupakan tetangga sebelah utara Bendungan Sutami atau Bendungan Karangkates. Tempat ini dibuka untuk umum, dan juga untuk tempat wisata. Di atasnya adalah jalan alternatif yang biasa untuk mempersingkat rute dari arah Malang ke Blitar atau sebaliknya.

Dam Dari atas

Fishing Arena Lahor

Bendungan Lahor terletak di wilayah Desa Karangkates, Kecamatan Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang. Bendungan Lahor juga menjadi penyuplai air bagi PLTA Sutami. Bendungan Lahor mensuplai 1 pembangkit 35 MW, sedangkan Bendungan Sutami mensuplai 2 pembangkit 35 MW.

Thursday, April 13, 2017