Friday, September 3, 2010

Wayang Purwa the legendary Puppet from Java

Wayang Kulit Purwa is the most popular Wayang Show in Jawa until recently. Wayang Kulit Purwa take the story from the Mahabharata and the Ramayana story. Figure Puppet Wayang that puppeteer played by a sheet made from buffalo leather (or beef) which puppet figures are carved according to the form and then disungging with colorful metaphor that reflects the character of the people.

Wayang Kulit Purwa Puppet show accompanied by a set of gamelan while female singers who sing gending-gending (original music from Jawa Indonesia), called the singer or waranggana or sinden.

Wayang Kulit Purwa show is usually done at night, accompanied by the typical Javanese gamelan music. When she saw the puppet show I can feel the atmosphere of the cultural aristocracy of Java with high artistic value. The language used in the puppet show is a traditional Javanese language.
by ramadhani
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  1. SElamat pagi pak Ramadhani...
    saya Andries, mau minta ijin untuk ambil gambar wayang di blog ini boleh?

  2. boleh ambil gambarnya buat cover majalah?? gan....
