Last Month I have vacation on Malang City, travelling with my motor cycle to mountain city of Batu Malang. Malang City have many beautiful object to visit, one of the most popular is Batu City. Batu have beautiful panorama becauce this city are located on the high land of Malang between Arjuno Mountain and Kawi Mountain. The cool temperature and its location make this city became one of the most fertile land in Malang. Agriculture in this region are have good prosperity to many kind of plant. One of the most popular is Apel Batu (Batu Apple), Apple Batu have taste that different with other Apple in Indonesia. This Apple are also Well knowed with name Apel Manalagi. Apple with unique sweet taste from Batu. When you travel to Batu Region in Malang City don't forget to taste delights of Apel Batu from Malang.
by ramadhani